Our Practices Our Practices The Spinney Surgery Ramsey Road, St Ives PE27 3TP 01480 495347 Visit The Spinney Surgery’s Website. Moat House Surgery Beech Close, Warboys PE28 2RQ 01487 822230 Visit Moat House Surgery’s Website. Grove Medical Practice Cromwell Place, St Ives PE27 5JD 01480 462206 Visit Grove Medical Practice’s Website. Riverport – St Ives Site Constable Road, St Ives PE27 3ER 01480 466611 Riverport – Somersham Site 2c Parkhall Road, Somersham PE28 3EU 01480 466611 Riverport – Fenstanton Site 7e High Street, Fenstanton PE28 9LQ 01480 466611 Click here to visit Riverport Medical Practice’s website for information about all three practice sites