Before you send your GP your question, you may find your answer here.
This section has been split into groups, please click the sections below to find what you are looking for.
– Administrative / Secretarial, Clinical, Tests and Test Results, Prescription and Medication questions
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please send us your enquiry.
Administrative / Secretarial Questions
How can I find out the current hospital waiting lists?
Here are links to the current waiting lists at our local hospitals.
I have read my clinical notes and I want something changed. How can I do this?
Your GP practice will make every effort to keep your records accurate. However, occasionally information about you or your care may need to be amended. If you think that the health or care information in your record is factually inaccurate, you can ask for your record to be amended. If there is a factual inaccuracy regarding a diagnosis that is there in error, this will be checked by a GP and then your record will be amended. If it is regarding the detail of an entry then we will save your perspective into the record so that it can be seen. (It may take up to a month to change). Due to our clinicians having limited time during a consultation to record your information, there are often spelling errors or “typos” or grammatical errors in the notes. It is our practice policy that we do not amend such minor errors as this can take up valuable time from our clinicians that is then taken away from direct patient care.
I would like to request a doctor’s letter to support my application for council housing / local authority housing
You have requested a letter to help with housing. You need to complete a self-assessment form first and this is usually all that is necessary. This form is available from the Council (Local Authority). Here is some more information and the reasons why GPs do not usually supply letters to help with housing requests.
Cambs LMC – Housing Application
If the council / local authority require specific medical information, they will need to obtain your formal written consent before they write to us for this.
My child’s school is requesting a doctor’s letter for confirmation of absence, a medical problem or authorisation for medicine to be administered at school.
Proof of a medical problem – This is not usually required and a note from a parent or guardian is generally sufficient. Any request for medical information needs to come directly from the school with the parent or guardian’s formal written consent. A fee will be payable from the school before this letter is released. This work is not part of GMS contract and can be declined without explanation
Proof of absence – Unfortunately GPs do not provide proof of absence type “sick notes” for children. A note from the parent or guardian should be sufficient – Cambs LMC – Sick Notes for School Absence
Administering over-the-counter (OTC) Medication – You do not need a letter from the GP to allow the school to administer over-the-counter medication. Written permission from a parent or guardian is all that is required. The school will have a policy in place – Cambs LMC – Administering OTC Medicine
If you have requested a doctor’s letter for proof of illness as your child was not able to attend an exam or is not fit for an exam. This is not needed and you should approach the school for support with how to manage absence from exams.
I would like a doctor’s letter to support my application for a Blue Badge and help with a police, court or legal issue
Blue Badge – You are welcome to have a GP summary of your medical problems. You can access this on your NHS app. GPs do not assess the requirement for Blue Badges. If the Applications Assessors for the Blue Badge require specific medical information, they will write to us directly with your formal written consent included – Cambs LMC – Blue Badges
Help with a police, court or legal issue – You have requested a doctor’s letter to support your current issues within the justice system. GPs do not provide letters for this, whether requested by the patient or a solicitor. Your solicitor would have to approach a private specialist for a medical opinion. A letter may be provided if it is requested by the court or judge directly
I would like a doctor’s letter to expedite a hospital appointment
You have requested a letter to expedite your hospital appointment. Patients are often told to get a letter from their GP for this, however, this is not usually required. You can contact the secretary of the hospital consultant to explain any change or deterioration of your condition and they will reassess and re-triage your referral.
PALS can also help
NHS North West Anglia – PALS – Complaints
Hospital contact numbers
Hinchingbrooke 01480 428964
Peterborough 01733 673405
Addenbrookes 01223 216756
I would like a doctor’s letter to state that I am fit to fly
You have requested a doctor’s letter to confirm you are fit to fly. We are not trained nor indemnified to assess and declare fitness to fly and you will need to seek the advice of an aviation medicine practitioner or a private GP yourself. Your NHS app will have details of your medical history and current medications.
I would like help looking for work and employment
How do I request a fit note / sick note?
You can request a fit note through your GPs online contact service.
You have requested a fit note (sick note). As it is for less than 7 days, a fit note is not required and you are able to self-certify. You can complete the form online. If you need a fit note after 7 days, please request this via your GP surgeries online form.
How do I book hospital transport
Call 0345 6038117
Or visit NHS – Patient transport service
Clinical Questions
I need medical help while abroad on holiday
You have contacted us for medical advice while you are abroad. While you are abroad and out of the UK, unfortunately we cannot provide medical advice. Our clinicians are not insured to do so and the NHS does not provide care outside of the UK. You will need to seek local medical advice.
I have joint pain or muscle pain and I have been advised to book with a pharmacist.
You have informed us that you have concern about your joints or muscles. Please book an appointment with your GP surgery’s physiotherapist. They can assess, treat and advise on joint and muscle problems. Alternatively you can self-refer to the physiotherapy service.
Why have I been advised to see a pharmacist for my problem?
A pharmacist can help with many conditions including what you have enquired about. You can visit a pharmacy at a location of your choice.
I would like information about contraceptive choices
Please look at the links below on how to inform yourself about contraceptive choices.
Patient – contraception methods
I would like some helpful resources for chronic pain
Please look at the links below on how to help yourself with Chronic Pain.
Live well with pain – Homepage
Meditainment – Meditation for pain relief
Youtube – Brainman – understanding pain
Fibromyalgia – help and advice
I am worried about the early stages of my pregnancy
Early Pregnancy – You can contact the Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) directly and do not need a GP appointment or referral. Early pregnancy unit (EPU) 01733 673758
Womens health peterborough – Early Pregnancy
Abortion – Here is some information. You do not need a GP appointment and you can contact them yourself. 01733 673758 Peterborough Early pregnancy unit (EPU)
I am concerned about falls and would like help with this
Here are some resources for prevention of falls. You can refer yourself to the falls prevention service via HealthyYou.
Healthy You – Falls Prevention
I have a foot or nail problem and I have been advised to self refer to podiatry
Here is a link to refer yourself to podiatry about your foot or nail problem.
I would like help with grief, loss or bereavement
Please look at the links below on support you and the people around you regarding grief, loss or bereavement
I would like help with my health, lifestyle, well-being. Where can I access this type of support? And what is a health and well-being coach?
We have Health and Wellbeing Coaches who can help you with aspects of lifestyle, motivation and making positive changes. This can be around healthy diet, exercise, weight management and personal goals to name a few. This is a fantastic resource many of us would really benefit from. If you would like to make use of this, please send an online enquiry and we can do a referral for you.
I would like some reliable pre-menopause and menopause information
Please look at the links below for support regarding pre-menopause and menopause
Advice sheet for peri/menopause
Balance – Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Balance – Breast Cancer and HRT
I am worried about my mental health and want some helpful resources
Please look at the links below for support regarding Mental Health
NHS – Psychological Wellbeing Service Self-Referral Information
Keep your Head – Adult Mental Health
Do remember that you always have 111 option if you have any mental health crisis
I have been advised to attend a Minor Injury Unit. Why is this?
You may have contacted us about a minor injury. You can attend a Minor Injury Unit in Ely, Doddington or Wisbech 8.30am-6pm
You can attend Peterborough Urgent Treatment Centre 8am-8pm 7 days a week.
You do not need to see your GP first.
These units are specifically designed to manage minor injuries such as sprains, fractures, minor eye problems, minor head injuries, burns and scolds.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG – Minor Injury Units and Urgent Treatment Centres
I need reliable information about common childhood illnesses
Please look at the links below for information regarding Common Childhood Illnesses
The Little Orange Book – Helping babies and young children when they are poorly
I need help getting a home care package for myself or a relative
Social services for care assessment 0345 045 5202
PALS Hinchingbrooke 01480 428964
PALS Peterborough 01733 673405
PALS Addenbrookes 01223 216756
I would like some resources to help with sleep and insomnia
See the following websites on difficulties sleeping. It gives information on causes, lifestyle tips to sleep better and other treatment options.
Sleepio – a sleep improvement program
The Sleep charity – adult support
Where can I find reliable weight loss information?
Here are some healthy lifestyle resources.
Prescription / Medication Questions
Why have I been advised to buy over-the-counter medication rather than get a prescription
You have been advised to buy over-the-counter medication for your clinical problem. This is standard NHS guidance for some conditions
NHS – Prescription Change Leaflet
NHS – Why can’t I get a prescription for over-the-counter Medicine
What can I do on the NHS app?
It is now possible to order your medication, book some appointments and see new information like your results, letters and consultations added after the 1st November though the NHS app. Download the NHS app and register with it today.
28 days repeat prescriptions/monthly prescriptions
You have requested to have more than 28 days of medication at a time. The practice policy is to prescribe 28 days supply. However, a second prescription can be obtained for holidays. For some medical conditions, a batch prescribing facility is available (this is not permissible for dispensing patients).
I would like an NHS prescription prepayment certificate
You can easily set up a prepayment certificate to use straight away.
My request for medication (a controlled drug) that has been lost or stolen has been declined. Why is this?
You have requested your controlled drug earlier than agreed. We will only prescribe the medication weekly/monthly and will not be able to prescribe earlier for safety reasons. If you have lost your medication you must report this to the police to obtain a crime number.
I would like extra medication to take with me when going abroad or when leaving the UK
You are able to have up to 3 months’ supply of your regular repeat medication when leaving the UK. This is to allow you time to find local healthcare to take over prescribing while outside the UK. Unfortunately the NHS does not provide care outside of the UK.
I would like some sedating medication to help my fear of flying
We are occasionally asked by patients to prescribe sedating medication for flying. Unfortunately your request will be declined. We regret that we are not able to facilitate these requests on the grounds of patient safety and our need to prioritise the delivery of NHS care on the basis of patients’ clinical needs.
Here are some helpful resources for fear of flying
I would like sedation medication to help with my phobia for a dental procedure or an MRI. My dentist or hospital doctor has asked me to get sedation mediation from my GP for this.
We are occasionally approached by patients and third party clinicians to prescribe sedating medication for anxiety during procedures they will be having outside of your GP practice (e.g. dental phobia or MRI) Unfortunately it is not the responsibility of the GP to provide this.
This should be discussed with the clinician carrying out the procedure who would be able to prescribe this if appropriate.
I would like some medications to take with me on holiday just in case I get unwell eg antibiotics for chest infection or urine infection.
You have requested a prescription for medication to take with you on holiday in case you get an illness eg travellers’ diarrhoea, ear infection, chest infection, urine infection etc. Unfortunately the NHS does not provide care outside of the UK. We are not indemnified to treat our patients while abroad. If you were to become unwell while abroad, you will need to seek local medical advice.
Why have my inhalers been changed?
Your inhaler(s) has been changed from the MDI “puffer” type to a newer breath actuated version. These newer inhalers contain the same medication. They are much better for the environment and the NHS wants patients to be on these to reduce the NHS carbon footprint.
Why can’t I use the LloydsDirect app anymore?
If you use the Lloyds app for ordering your medication, please change to using the NHS app as we will no longer support the Lloyds app. This is because your request comes through as an email which takes far longer to process and it can be missed. The NHS app is quick and links perfectly with our system. Lloyds will still deliver it for you so that will not change.
My recent hospital clinic letter has advised some new medications. How long will it take for these to be added to my usual prescription?
You are asking for medications that were recommended at your hospital clinic appointment. The hospital specialist will write a letter to the GP with specific recommendations. There can be a delay of a few days or several weeks for the letter to be sent out from the hospital. When the GP receives the letter, the medication will be added (if appropriate) to your prescription. Occasionally specific medications have to be prescribed by the hospital and not the GP. The hospital doctor is able to write a prescription themselves and there are systems in place to send medication to patients. You are welcome to contact the hospital specialist directly to request the medication from them if you are concerned about any potential delay. The GP cannot prescribe this recommended medication until we have the clinic letter
I would like antibiotics for a dental problem
Unfortunately GPs cannot provide dental advice, treatment or antibiotics for a dental problem. A dentist will need to assess you. If you do not have an NHS dentist, you can contact 111 who can help with dental problems and direct you to a local service. If you think you are unwell due to your dental problem then you will need to be assessed in A&E. Thank you for your understanding.
Tests and Test Result Questions
What Does my ECG / 24hour ECG mean?
ECG – You have informed us that you have read your ECG report and have concerns. Our ECGs are interpreted by clinicians. The ECG report often has information written that can be alarming. However, this tends not to be very accurate, helpful or clinically relevant and human interpretation takes priority.
24 Hour ECG – Here is some information.
What does my ABPI result mean?
ABPI is done to check for narrowing of the blood vessels in the legs. If the result is normal then the blood vessels are likely to be normal. If abnormal, a referral to the vascular team should be considered and discussed with you.
Some of my blood results are marked as “normal” but some are “abnormal”
You have reviewed your result in your notes and are concerned that they are abnormal but filed as normal. Test results are reviewed by clinicians who interpret these alongside many factors such as the medical history, trend or rate of change. A result outside the normal range may still be “normal for you”.
What does my cervical screening cytology result mean?
You have contacted us about your cervical screening result. You will get a letter with what it means for you and how often you will further screening tests. You will be invited for further screening via the screening program.
My hospital consultant / clinician has asked the GP to do some tests
Your recent hospital clinic letter is asking the GP to request some tests on their behalf. We will be sending them a letter advising that they need to organise these specific tests themselves and that the GP will not be doing this. You will be copied into this letter. Often, hospital clinicians ask GPs to carry out tests or requests that actually need to be done by the hospital teams themselves. Unfortunately, primary care is not funded or resourced to carry out work for hospital teams. Please do contact the hospital team directly if you have any questions about this.
Why have in not been contacted about my test results?
Once you have had your test, your result will be available to you online using the NHS app or online. It is your responsibility and in your interest to check your results yourself. Further information is available here.
I would like a PSA test (prostate blood test). How can I get this?
If you are interested in a PSA blood test, please contact your GP online. You will be asked to read through some information to make an informed choice. You will then be sent a link to book the blood test. It is best to have a prostate examination too as part of the assessment.