What is a Primary Care Network (PCN)?
A primary care network is a group of practices who work together to focus on local patient care. They’ve been around since 2019 and 99% of practices across England now work as part of one.
PCNs build on existing primary care services and provide more personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for their patients. It is described as a change from reactively providing appointments to proactively caring for the people and communities they serve.
With increased demand and a shortage of clinical staff, practices find they can provide greater, more personalised care for patients when they can work together on certain services or issues.
Our Team
Our expanded and enhanced PCN Team brings together the skills of our established Primary Care teams that patients are familiar with – such as – Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Assistants.
We also have a wider GP practice workforce including Clinical Pharmacists, Social Prescribing Link Workers, Health and Wellbeing Coaches, General Practice Assistants and Mental Health Care Connectors who are now part of a broader based primary care team.